I-S School District to add three part-time mental health positions

District Administrator Ray Przekurat

BY RAY PRZEKURAT, District Administrator

The pandemic has been extremely tough on our families, students, and staff. Our school district has been working hard to provide an environment where everyone feels safe and supported during these difficult times. We are looking at bringing on three different individuals to help. These posi­tions will provide mental health assistance. Each individual will be with us just one day per week. We are working with three other school districts in Waupaca County to make these positions possi­ble. The positions will be funded through a men­tal health grant and the Elementary and Second­ary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER).

The first position is a Mental Health Navigator that will be provided through Waupaca County CAP Services. This position will help students, families, and staff find the necessary resources to help with their mental health issues. This person will be available one day per week at both of our schools.

The second position is a Family Engagement Specialist that will be provided through Waupaca County. This position uses a strength based, fam­ily centered, and Trauma Informed Care model of engagement with an emphasis on assisting fam­ilies and students to overcome identified needs through direct engagement and/or the linking of community-based services. This person will be available one day per week at both of our schools.

The third position is a Mental Health Therapist that will be provided through Compass Coun­seling Wausau, LLC. This position will provide therapy one day per week at both of our schools. They will also be able to set up other therapy on a needed basis. See page 11 for more information.

We are looking forward to bringing these indi­viduals to our school district and to help in this time of need. If your student is referred to these individuals, the school district will contact fami­lies for consent. If you have questions about these ser­vices contact me.

ESSER III Plan and Funding

The Iola-Scandinavia School District will be receiving funding for the Elementary and Sec­ondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER). We have received funding for the first and second round and most of that funding has been spent. The third round does require us to provide the community with a plan for remaining in school during the pandemic and how we will be using this funding. The plan is our reopening plan that we have shared with the community before the start of this school year. We are providing a link on our website for this plan. The funding plan will be part of this plan. We are asking for feed­back on our plan through a short survey located at the end of the plan. Please take the time to review the plan and take the survey.

If you have any questions please contact me, przekuratr@iola.k12.wi.us or 715-445-2411 ext. 1401.