I-S School Board to decide on major facility upgrades and policy revisions

The School District of Iola-Scandinavia Board will hold its regular monthly meeting on Monday, July 15, at 6 p.m. in Room 6 of the Elementary School. Key actions to be taken include decisions on significant facility upgrades, policy revisions, and staff changes.

During the meeting, the board will review and approve the agenda, followed by a session for public input and comments. The consent agenda will be approved, which includes minutes from the June meeting, financial reports, fundraiser requests, and acknowledgments of gifts and donations.

Administrative reports will be presented by school administrators and the student representative, providing updates on school activities.

The Fitness and Aquatic Center report will indicate pool cost concerns and the needed replacement of parts and equipment. Equipment being considered includes new UV systems for the lap and leisure pools, new chlorine feeders and electrical/computer equipment to support it, consideration of the usage of salt water, adding a metal filter removal for all of the pool water to reduce pool staining, and electrical cabinets for all equipment.

A new staff member will be Jenny Prideaux for Elementary Art.

The District Administrator’s Report will indicate that the digital mapping of district buildings is complete, and the fitness center and high school gyms have had their annual refinishing.

The board will then discuss updates from recent WASB and CESA 5 meetings.

Committee reports will be a major focus. The Building & Grounds Committee, led by Chairperson Boris, will present quotes for elementary fencing and the football field parking lot renovation. Decisions will be made between a $11,893 quote from Security Fencing and a $10,950 quote from American Fence Co. for the fencing project. For the parking lot, the board will choose between a $55,450 quote from Scott Construction and an $84,556.88 quote from Fahrner Asphalt Sealers.

The Personnel & Nominations Committee, chaired by Kirmse, will address the resignations of Jami Bestul, a special education teacher, and Laurie Lutz, a custodian. The board will also consider hiring Kristine Forseth as a part-time special education assistant.

The Finance Committee, led by Chairperson Krogwold, along with lay committee members Erikka Flowers and Mark Sether, will provide a 2023-24 budget update, discuss the Fund 46 contribution, and review health, dental, and vision renewals for 2024-25. Chairperson Neumann of the Transportation Committee will propose a new vehicle purchase. Chairperson Jones of the Curriculum Committee will present the 2024-25 Student Academic Standard Annual Notice.

Chairperson Grassl of the Policy & Legislation Committee will discuss revisions to Policy 2266 on nondiscrimination based on sex in education programs and activities, and a new policy, Policy 2264, addressing similar non-discrimination issues. The Negotiations Committee, led by Chairperson Harbridge, will also present updates.

The meeting will conclude with any new business brought before the board and adjournment.