I-S School Board March 9 agenda

I-S Elementary School

The Monday, March 9, School District of Iola-Scandinavia Board meeting is a meeting of the Board of Educin public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. It will start at 7 p.m. in the Elementary School Library. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.

  1. Call meeting to order in the Elementary School Library with the reading of the official notice. Roll call. Pledge of Allegiance.
  1. Approval of agenda                                                                                                          
  1. Public input/comments – Members of the public must register by filling out a Public input card before the meeting is called to order. Those wishing to speak must provide their full name, address, and specify the topic they wish to address with the Board.  The Board president must first recognize the person wishing to be heard by the Board.
  1. Approval of consent agenda
  1. Approval of the February 10, 2020 minutes, February 17, 2020 special meeting minutes, and March 2, 2020 working committee meeting
  2. Auditing and approval of checks (receipts, checks)
  3. Treasurer’s report and Pupil Activity Accounts
  4. Fundraiser requests
  5. Gifts and Donations
  1. Administration reports
    1. Fitness & Aquatic Center Director’s Report  
    2. Business Manager’s Report
    3. Principal’s Report
    4. Administrator’s Report
    5. Student Representative Report
  1. School Board News and Updates
    1. WASB Meeting/Convention Updates
    2. CESA 5 Meeting Updates
  1. Old Business
  1. Committee reports – It is suggested that each committee set its meeting for the coming month at the regular board meeting.  This will enable us to get a proper public notice published.
  1. Finance – Chairperson Fredy (Mr. Huettner and Mrs. Hardel; lay committee members Laura Krogwold, Tony Neumann and Mark Sether)
  1. Financial Forecast – Budget and Referendum Planning
  1. Building & Grounds – Chairperson Hamilton (Mr. Harbridge and Mr. Wolberg; lay committee members Dave Loken and Jon Loken)
  1. Maintenance Truck Replacement
  1. Transportation – Chairperson Wolberg (Mr. Fredy and Mrs. Hamilton)
  1. Curriculum – Chairperson Huettner (Ms. Jones and Mrs. Hardel)
    1. 2020 Summer School – tentative course list
    2. Fall 2020 Early College Credit Program and Start College Not Applications
    3. Summer 2020 Early College Credit Program and Start College Now Applications
  1. Policy & Legislation – Chairperson Jones (Mrs. Hamilton and Mr. Huettner)
  1. Personnel & Nominations – Chairperson Harbridge (Mr. Fredy and Mrs. Jones)
    1. Resignations/Retirements
      1. Elementary Educational Assistant
  2. Hiring Recommendations
    1. Speech/Language Pathologist
    1. Volunteer Softball Coach
    1. Volunteer Baseball Coaches
  1. Compensation Model Update(s)
  2. 2020-21 Contracts
    1. Administrator(s), Director(s), District Admin Assistant and Payroll Assistant
  1. Negotiations – Chairperson Hardel (Mr. Harbridge and Mr. Wolberg)
  1. New Business
    1. Service King Contract – Cleaning Services
    2. 2020-2021 CESA Contract
    3. Young Impressions Building Lease (Summer)
    4. Working Committee Meeting Attendance
    5. Board Members in Classrooms
  1. Future Agenda Items:
    1. Brian Tucker Memorial Scholarship (April)
    2. Referendum Election and Resolution(s)
    3. Upcoming Meeting Dates
      1. April 6, 2020 Working Committee Meeting @ 5 p.m.
      2. April 13, 2020 Regular Board Meeting @ 7 p.m.
  1. Adjourn to executive session. The following motion would be in order (roll call vote): Motion to go into executive session in accordance with Wisconsin §19.85 (1)(c)(e) and §118.24 for the purposes and taking action, if appropriate concerning:
    1. 2020-22 Administrator Contract(s)
    2. 2020-2021 Director(s) Contract(s)
    3. 2020-2021 District Office Administrative Assistant  and Payroll Assistant Contract(s)
  1. Reconvene into open session to take possible action regarding XI.
  1. Adjourn