The School District of Iola-Scandinavia Board met on Dec. 9, 2019, in the I-S Elementary School Library at 7 p.m.
Meeting was called to order in the Elementary School Library at 7 pm by Diana Jones with the reading of the official notice. Roll call was taken and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Board Members present – Diana Jones, Adam Wolberg, Mike Harbridge, Paul Huettner, Bob Fredy, Leah Hamilton (7:04 p.m.), student representative Liza Gauerke. Absent: Shannon Hardel.
Administration present – Ray Przekurat, Sarah Thiel, Stacey Wester, Chris Nelson and Tammy Bauer.
Observers present – Travis Bassett.
Approval of agenda – Motion was made by Adam Wolberg and seconded by Paul Huettner to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote.
Approval of consent agenda – Motion was made by Mike Harbridge and seconded by Adam Wolberg to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote.
Approval of the November 6, 2019 working committee meeting and November 11, 2019 minutes
Auditing and approval of checks (receipts, checks)
Treasurer’s report and Pupil Activity Accounts
Fundraiser requests: Tech Ed – Corn Hole Boards
Gifts and Donations: Share a Tea $5,525; Neuville Motors – Chevy Youth Sports (ISRA) $500; Funding Support for Motivational Speaker (2020-21) Our Savior’s Lutheran Church $1,000 and JP Media $1,000.
Administration reports
Fitness & Aquatic Center Director’s Report – informational
Principals Report – informational
Administrator’s Report – informational
Student Representative Report – informational
School Board News and Updates: WASB Meeting Updates – no report; CESA 5 Meeting Updates – no report
Old Business
District Administrator Evaluation – informational
Committee reports
Finance – Chairperson Fredy (Mr. Huettner and Mrs. Hardel; lay committee members Laura Krogwold, Tony Neumann and Mark Sether): Audited Financial statements – informational.
Curriculum – Chairperson Huettner (Ms. Jones and Mrs. Hardel): Course requests. Motion was by Paul Huettner and seconded by Mike Harbridge to approve the course requests as presented with the approval to allow pursuing the courses if the course fits within the schedule. Motion carried by a voice vote.
Policy & Legislation – Chairperson Jones (Mrs. Hamilton and Mr. Huettner): Substance Abuse Policies – table until January meeting.
Personnel & Nominations – Chairperson Harbridge (Mr. Fredy and Mrs. Jones): Resignations/Retirements – Middle School Track, motion was made by Bob Fredy and seconded by Adam Wolberg to approve the Middle School Track coach resignation. Motion carried by a roll call vote. Hiring Recommendations – Elementary Custodial Staff, motion was made by Paul Huettner and seconded by Mike Harbridge to approve the Elementary Custodial Staff hiring recommendations as presented. Motion carried by a roll call vote.
New Business
2020-21 School Calendar Options – Draft 1 and Draft 2. Motion was made by Mike Harbridge and seconded by Adam Wolberg to approve the 2020-2021 School Calendar Draft option #1. Motion carried by a voice vote.
Taylor Field Lease agreement – informational
Adjourn – Motion was made by Mike Harbridge and seconded by Bob Fredy at 8:08 p.m. to adjourn. Motion carried by a voice vote.