I-S School Board April 13 minutes

I-S Elementary School

The School District of Iola-Scandinavia Board met on Monday, April 13, in the Elementary School Library at 7 p.m. by Diana Jones with the reading of the official notice.  Roll call was taken and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Board Members present in person or via Zoom: Diana Jones, Mike Harbridge, Leah Hamilton, Bob Fredy, Adam Wolberg, Shannon Hardel and Paul Huettner.

Administration present in person or via Zoom: Ray Przekurat, Sarah Thiel, Stacey Wester, Chris Nelson, Tim Welch, Jim Spencer, Mary Jo Lashua and Tammy Bauer.

Observer’s present in person or via Zoom: Tony Neumann, Shannon Huettner, Alan Bauer, Wendy Williams, Tamela McCarthy, Laura Krogwold, Laura Meagher, Travis Bassett, Jeannine Harbridge, Megan Driebel, Amanda Brown and Kori Printz.

Approval of agenda  – Motion was made by Bob Fredy and seconded by Paul Huettner to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0 by a roll call vote.                                                                                                      

Approval of consent agenda – Motion was made by Adam Wolberg and seconded by Mike Harbridge to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0 by a roll call vote.

Approval of the March 9, 2020 minutes and March 18, 2020, minutes

Auditing and approval of checks (receipts, checks) 

Treasurer’s report and Pupil Activity Accounts 

Fundraiser requests       

Gifts and Donations

Administration reports: Fitness & Aquatic Center Director’s Report, Principal’s Report, Administrator’s Report, Student Representative Report

School Board News and Updates: WASB Meeting/Convention Updates, CESA 5 Meeting Updates

Committee reports

Finance- Chairperson Fredy (Mr. Huettner and Mrs. Hardel; lay committee members Laura Krogwold, Tony Neumann and Mark Sether): 2019-20 Budget Review/Discussion – informational; Referendum Election and Resolution(s) – no action, postpone, possibly reschedule for the November 2020 or February 2021 election

Building & Grounds – Chairperson Hamilton (Mr. Harbridge and Mr. Wolberg; lay committee members Dave Loken and Jon Loken) No report

Transportation – Chairperson Wolberg (Mr. Fredy and Mrs. Hamilton): Bus contract – no action, stay with the 75% based on contract

Curriculum – Chairperson Huettner (Ms. Jones and Mrs. Hardel): Elementary – 2020-21 Student Handbook; Middle School – 2020-21 Student Handbook; High School – 2020-2021 Student Handbook. Motion was made by Paul Huettner and seconded by Shannon Hardel to approve all 2020-2021 student handbooks as presented. Motion carried 7-0 by a roll call vote.

Policy & Legislation – Chairperson Jones (Mrs. Hamilton and Mr. Huettner) No report

Personnel & Nominations – Chairperson Harbridge (Mr. Fredy and Mrs. Jones): I-S Staff Pay due to COVID-19 School Closure. Motion was made by Shannon Hardel to pay hourly staff for the rest of the 2019-20 school year at their current pay/hours and to give staff members that are working during this time paid leave time equivalent to the hours worked. No second to this motion, motion was taken off the table. Motion was made by Diana Jones to pay hourly staff not working during this time 80% of their current pay and to pay the staff members that are working 100% of their pay. No second to this motion, motion was taken off the table. Motion was made by Adam Wolberg and seconded by Bob Fredy to approve the administrative recommendation as presented. Motion carried 4-2 by a roll call vote; Bob Fredy, yes; Adam Wolberg, yes; Paul Huettner, yes; Leah Hamilton, yes; Diana Jones, no; Shannon Hardel, no and Mike Harbridge, abstained.

Spring Coaches Pay: Motion was made by Paul Huettner and seconded by Adam Wolberg not to pay coaches for spring sports with the exception of track whose coaches are to receive prorated pay for the practices in which have taken place.  Motion carried 7-0 by a roll call vote.

Compensation Model Update(s) – informational

Negotiations – Chairperson Hardel (Mr. Harbridge and Mr. Wolberg) 

New Business

Brian Tucker Memorial Scholarship: Motion was made by Bob Fredy and seconded by Shannon Hardel to approve the Brian Tucker Memorial Scholarship as presented. Motion carried 7-0 by a roll call vote.

Young Impressions After School Daycare Lease (2020-21): Motion was made by Mike Harbridge and seconded by Adam Wolberg to approve the Young Impression After School Daycare Lease as presented. Motion carried 7-0 by a roll call vote.

Public Hearing for DPI Waiver 

Requests to the Department of Public Instruction for Waivers of Instructional Hours Requirement and 2019-20 Educator Effectiveness Cycle. Public hearing, pursuant to Wis. Stat. §118.38(1)(b), regarding submission of a request to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to waive the minimum number of hours of instruction set forth in Wis. Stat. §121.02(1)(f) for the 2019-20 school year due to the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency and the school closure orders.

As part of the public hearing, the Board will review the written (email) or phone/zoom comments from members of the public regarding the request for the waiver, before discussing and taking action regarding the request for a waiver.

Written (email) comments regarding the waiver should be submitted via email to przekuratr@iola.k12.wi.us by Monday, April 13 at 3 p.m.

Public hearing, pursuant to Wis. Stat. §118.38(1)(b), regarding submission of a request to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to waive the requirements to complete an Educator Effectiveness Cycle for educators in their Summary Year in 2019-20, including waivers of the requirements to meet PI 8.01and Wis. Stat. §§ 115.415 and 121.02(1)(q) for the 2019-20 school year only due to the COVID-19 public health emergency.

As part of the public hearing, the Board will review the written (email) or phone/zoom comments from members of the public regarding the request for the waiver, before discussing and taking action regarding the request for a waiver.

Written (email) comments regarding the waiver should be submitted via email to przekuratr@iola.k12.wi.us by Monday, April 13th at 3 p.m.

DPI Waiver resolution: Motion was made by Shannon Hardel and seconded by Paul Huettner to approve the DPI Waiver resolution as presented. Motion carried 7-0 by a roll call vote. 

Adjourn – Motion was made by Adam Wolberg and seconded by Bob Fredy at 9:20 p.m. to adjourn. Motion carried by a voice vote.