Around Town
KRISTIAN WELCH: The Denver Broncos have signed our Kristian as a defensive linebacker! Another football game to watch every week, but I know many of us will manage the extra viewing. Congratulations to Kristian and Mary and Tim Welch, who will get to visit some more cities.
Job Opportunities
PIZZA MAKERS: Sliced Pizza is looking for pizza makers Thursday through Saturday year-round. Send resume to:
BUS DRIVERS: Kobussen is looking to hire 1-2 route drivers for the Iola-Scandinavia School District! If interested, please apply online with this link.
CRYSTAL CAFE: Looking for part-time wait staff. Apply by calling 715-4456-9227 or going to the website.
BART’S PIZZA PUB: Formerly Northland Ballroom, Bart’s Pizza Pub is hiring cooks and bartenders/servers. DM at the Facebook page here.
EDUCATIONAL AIDES: The I-S School District is looking for Educational Aides at the Middle and High School levels. There are openings for one full-time staff member and one part-time staff member.
Job duties: working with students in the classroom, problem-solving with students, assisting with understanding of tasks, building relationships with students, assisting during teacher-directed lessons, etc. Please contact Kimberlisa Przychocki for more details at: or 715-445-2411 ext. 1451.
LIBRARY AIDE: Iola-Scandinavia Middle / High School library aide, part-time position. Apply here.