TURKMENISTAN GUESTS AT IHS: Six guests from Turkmenistan representing various aspect of the country’s tourism got a tour of the Iola Historical Society on Tuesday, Oct. 17. The group was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Waupaca, members of which guiding the visitors were Mike Olinger (second from left), Joe Jones (fourth from left), and Trey Foerster (far right). Clifford Mishler (far left) provided historical information to the guests and a guided tour assisted by Greg Loescher. The visitors represented a tour agency, tour guides, a professor of tourism, and the national tourism department. The guests also visited the Iola Car Show, and the Iola Winter Sports Club. Photo courtesy Greg Loescher
Around Town
JURY DUTY SCAM: The Waupaca Count Sheriff’s Office posted the following on its Facebook page: “People are being targeted by phone call, email, and messaging scams threatening them with prosecution for failing to comply with jury service. Waupaca County does not send out text messages or leave messages regarding upcoming jury trials on jurors’ personal phones.”
NEW STORYWALK AT JORGENS PARK: Take a walk on the wild side when you read Maurice Sendak’s classic children’s tale “Where the Wild Things Are” now on the StoryWalk® in Scandinavia’s Jorgens Park Preserve! This will be the last book on the StoryWalk® this season; the StoryWalk® will head into hibernation in the first half of November. Don’t worry! We’ll return next March or April once the snow is off the trails. Is there a book that you’d like to see on the StoryWalk® next year? Be sure to let the Scandinavia Public Library know!
Job Opportunities
IOLA-SCANDINAVIA SCHOOL DISTRICT: Iola-Scandinavia Elementary School has an educational assistant position available for the 2023-24 school year. This position will be until December 22, 202,3 with the possibility of the position being extended based on student need. The hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 am – 3:30 pm. Responsibilities include working with students, assisting teachers in the classroom, playground duty, and other duties set by the district. Please apply online using this link.
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