The regular meeting of the Town of Helvetia Board was held at the Town Hall, and was called to order by Chairman Jeff Oppor at 7 p.m. All Town board members and five town residents were in attendance.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, the Town bills were approved and paid, and the Treasurers reports were given and approved.
New Business
New election inspectors were appointed to a two-year term with a motion by Mike Grassl, 2nd by Justin Hintz. Those are Kathy Quinlan, Claire Oppor, Teresa Balinski, Vicki Carlson, Ramona Wasrud, Sandra Stevens, and Geraldine Preuss.
Joining the Wisconsin Towns Association Advocacy council was discussed. The board mentioned what they do for the Town in lobbying efforts for more tax dollars to the Town. Justin Hintz made a motion to join the council by paying the dues of $175, that was second by Mike Grassl.
The LRIP application made by Jeff Oppor was denied due to width of blacktopping.
The Wis towns association meeting on Nov. 9, 2023, was attended by Jeff Oppor, Mike Grassl and Doug Hines. They discussed tax levy for fire and ambulance which has to be applied to all towns and villages of the departments.
The Town Hall cleaning person will be tabled to next meeting.
Due to the difficulty in finding a good and reasonable building inspector, the board decided to try the county zoning department for a period of one year starting Jan. 1.
Jeff Oppor provided an estimate from Joe Ambacher to update and replace the plumbing fixtures in the Town Hall. The plumbing estimate and work was approved.
It was brought up that snowplowing could be started on opposite ends of the town on alternating snowstorms.
Garbage pickup will be discussed next year.