Alcohol use in Waupaca County: The numbers

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (WDHS) recently created an online dashboard for alcohol and other drug use statistics.

It shows the most up-to-date alcohol-related hospital visit data collected by the department. Data on the tables comes from 2016-18.


Waupaca County ranks 18th in the state for alcohol-attributable deaths with a rate of 50.2 per 100,000 residents. There are 72 counties in the state. Since the county has about 50,000 residents, the death rate is around 25 for that 50,000. It is standard for rates to be based on 100,000 population.

Such deaths have remained stable since 2014 where 24 individuals died, then 29 in 2015, 28 in 2016, 26 in 2017, 24 in 2018, and 27 in 2019.

Over the three-year timeframe of 2016-18, 31.6 females and 68.1 males have died. By age 29.6 in 18-44, 61.8 in 45-64, and 102.1 in 65 and older.


In 2018, the county ranks 32nd in the state for chronic alcohol emergency room visits with 250. It also ranks 32nd in the state for chronic alcohol inpatient visits to hospitals at 243.

The majority of emergency room visits statewide in 2018 are by people age 45-64 (18,327) and then by people age 18-44 (18,327). Males significantly outnumber females 26,723 to 15,087.

Inpatient visits statewide in 2018 can be broken down as follows: age 18-44 106, 45-64 108. Males outnumber females 172-78.

Adult alcohol use

According to the WDHS, adults 18 and older who have used alcohol in the past month is 64.4 percent compared to the US percentage of 55.6.

Those who admit to binge drinking in the past month is 23.8 percent in the state and 16.2 nationally.

Individuals who perceive great risk from weekly binge drinking is 38.7 percent in the state and 44.9 percent nationally.

Binge drinking in Waupaca County is 20.3 percent, according to WDHS.

In every age group, Wisconsin leads national percentages in people who have engage din binge drinking in the past month: 18-24 29.1 (24.2 nationally), 25-44 35.2 (22.7), 45-64 22.5 (13.8), 65+ 7.3 (5.3).

However, the trend in the state has decreased from 67.6 percent in 2013 to 64.4 percent in 2017.

Youth alcohol use

Youth use of alcohol data is based on two national health surveys, the Youth Risk Behavior and the National Survey on Drug Use and Health.

Statewide, percentages of youth who have ever consumed alcohol by grade level also see the state outpacing national levels: 9th grade 55.9 (47.7), 10th grade 60.2 (58), 11th grade 69.2 (66.4), and 12th grade 73.4 (71.7).

The overall trend for high schoolers over time has decreased from 71.2 percent in 2011 to 60.4 percent in 2017.